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发布时间:2023-05-28 05:24:01源自:http://www.jsydzm.com作者:蘑菇网名阅读(216)

1、Company is the most long love confession. 陪伴是最长情的告白

2、If I fail, if I succeed, at least I live as I believe. 失败也好,成功也罢,最起码我坚持自己的信仰。

3、I don’t want to be the third wheel. 我不想当电灯泡。

4、So mean so empty city, memories 城市那么空,回忆那么凶

5、You made my life ,Holly,but i‘m just one chapter in yours. 你完整了我的人生,但我却只是你人生中的过客。

6、I want to have you around, not for a while, but a lifetime. 我想要身边有你,不是一阵子,而是一辈子。

7、We do not have any choice, only run in opposite directions.我们没有任何选择的余地,

8、The same love that makes me laugh makes cry. 同一份爱,让我笑,也让我哭。

9、Betrayal can forgive but not forget.         背叛可以原谅但不会忘记

10、Time can heal a broken heart, but time can also break a waiting heart. 时间能治愈一颗受伤的心,但时间也会碾碎一颗等待的心。

11、You know, I love you, there is no retreat. 你知道的,我爱你,别无退路。

12、Sorry,I forgot.You don’t need me anymore. 对不起,我忘了,你已经不再需要我了。

13、Truth never fears in

14、Can I say no one is really. 我可不可以说百无一用是真心。

15、new start,new you,not you. 新的开始,新的你,却不再是你。

16、When you held out your hand to me, I almost thought I could walk with you all my life. 你朝我伸出手的时候,我差点误以为,这一生都可以跟你走。

17、The stories we love best live in us forever. 那些我们最爱的故事,最终都会一直活在我们的心里。

18、Start to do new yourself. 重新开始做全新的自己。

19、Happy, is looks for a warm person for a lifetime. 【vs】 幸福,就是找一个温暖的人过一辈子

20、What I'm most afraid is to see the one I love loves someone else. 我最害怕的一件事情是,看着我爱的人。

21、Has been lost again, better than never wounding more. 得到了再失去,比从来就没有得到更伤人

22、I remember every word you said. 你曾说过的,我都清清楚楚的记得。

23、A relationship should be between two people, not the whole world

24、if you

25、Loveisafirewhichburnsunseen 爱情是无形燃烧的火焰。

26、I hope you are the world warm treat

27、You will never understand why I have that mighty proud. 你们永远不懂,我为何拥有不可一世的骄傲。

28、你是一场盛大的梦 梦醒了我能怪谁 You are a grand

29、If I choose to leave, whether can you ask her to stay 如果我选择离开,你是否会挽留


31、Love is my sickness and you are my drug, I’m addicted. 爱是一种病,我赶上了。你是我的药,我上瘾了。

32、Never give up, Never lose the opportunity to succeed . 不放弃就有成功的机会。

33、In life, couples meet because of fate. To go through life together is

34、If you don't try to do your best, how do you know there is no miracle! 如果不拼尽全力,你怎知没有奇迹!

35、July winds and August showers of weakness like and far away from you. 七月的风和八月的雨 无力的喜欢和遥远的你。

36、No town can never be home; yet the past can never be back. 没有留不下的城市,只有回不去的过往。

37、Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest. 把我放进你的记忆里,不要管其他的。

38、Thank you, so busy, also come to hurt me. 谢谢你,那么忙,还亲自来伤害我。

39、All happiness, from now on 一切的幸福,从现在开始

40、Love is about timing. 爱,始于相遇,止于被动。

41、One day I will be at the heart proud to tell you things. 有天 我会指着心脏 骄傲的告诉你 这里换人了。

42、Smile when it hurts most. 最痛苦的时候 请微笑。

43、I wait you back, or in my heart. 我在等,等你回头,或等我死心。

44、The most beautiful feelings, always appears in the most do not understand love age. 最美的感情,永远出现在最不懂爱的年纪。

45、Become a regret, maybe it will be remembered by you for a long time.成为一种遗憾,或许会被你铭记很久

46、Now that you have hurt the past, don't let go of the future. 既然已经伤害了过去,就不要再辜负了将来。

47、Of the world's most precious and are not eligible and lost. 【vs】 世界上最珍贵的,是得不到和已失去。

48、sometimes, you need to be alone. not to be lonely, but to enjoy your free time being yourself. 有时,你需要独自一人,不为孤独,而是享受这段做自我的自由时光。

49、Time has traveled into fragmentary memories of thedawn and then melt into one wipe mist. 时光把回忆辗转成零碎,化做晨曦中的一抹雾霭。

50、You're still the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. 你还是那个我想要一起走完往后余生的人。

51、Don't need better than it is now, just now so good. 不需要比现在好,只要现在这样就好。

52、Promise more,not be,that's just a lie

53、A ray of sunsh

54、Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。

55、I learned to give up finally 我终于学会了放弃

56、A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.当遗憾替代梦想的时候,人开始变老。

57、Never too old to learn

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