发布时间:2023-06-27 05:09:13源自:http://www.jsydzm.com作者:蘑菇网名阅读(212)
1、青春就是疯狂地奔跑,然后华丽地跌倒。Youth is crazy to run, and then gorgeous to fall
2、Company is the most long love confession. 陪伴是最长情的告白
3、I never want to be without you。
4、The first glance Heartbeat. 第一眼就心动
5、If we hug a little tighter, our hearts will be a little closer. 拥抱再紧一点点,心就会再近一点点。
6、Don't be eye candy, be soul food. 不要做养眼的糖果,做灵魂的食粮。
7、Rely on I don't need your false! 我不需要你那虚伪的依靠。
8、Can not get is forever, forget was once . 到不了的就是永远, 忘不了的就是曾经。
9、Miss and you never get it back. 错过的就再也找不回来了。
10、Windy and rainy day, it carries a heavy life; clear days, more suitable for quiet understanding
11、You said, 'if you keep on, I'll always love' and now I'm still in love with you. 你曾说‘你若一直在,我便一直爱’,如今我还在你的爱却不在。
12、One should love animals They are so tasty 每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃。
13、You must value and love yourself. 你必须喜欢、增值和善待你自己。
14、he is faith . 他是信仰
15、The memory's got my chest in pieces
16、The most powerful people in the heart are those who shoulder the weight of the surface is very indifferent people. 最强大的人是那些在内心扛住千斤重,表面却很淡然的人。
17、I do not want to spend all day like a neuropathy as sentimental. 我不想再像一个神经病一样一天到晚多愁善感。
18、bungler 笨蛋
19、Well, not that emotional, but I move the heart. 说好了不动情,我却动了心。
21、I want to see you every day, but I prefer to hug you whenI turn back. 我想每天都见到你,更想一翻身就可以抱住你。
22、生活中最美好的东西都是免费的。 The best things in life are free
23、Remember the things that made you grow up so fast. 那些令你一下子长大的事情你要永远记得。
24、I think what you say is true. (我以为你说的是真的)
25、Those that have gone won't come back again.Those coming back are no longer perfect. 过去的不再回来,回来的不再完美。
26、If all are the play, why should we played a less realistic.如果一切都
27、ife is the art of drawing without an eraser. 生活是一门没有橡皮擦的绘画艺术。
28、Being hurt by the truth is better than comforted by the lies. 被真相伤害,总比被谎言安慰要好。
29、Go back to the things I had to pretend to be never had. 回不来的东西我只好假装从来没拥有过。
30、As a god ,you must see this. 我是守着千疮百孔的心的胆小鬼。
31、I think that as long as the smile will be unknown. 我以为只要微笑就会无人知晓。
32、我想你,但也又错过了。【I missed you, but I missed it 】
33、There are always people whose dreams are the whole meaning of life.总有那么一些人,梦想对他们而言就是
34、Don’t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。
35、People cry, not because they're weak It's because they've been strong for too long. 哭泣,不代表脆弱,只因坚强了太久。
36、i will be waitting for you 这句话我还可以说给谁听。
37、Learn to be independent, to bid farewell to rely on the weakness of their own to say goodbye
38、No man cool call back yesterday 【时光流逝 不可复得】
39、I can spoil you also can change for you. 我可以惯着你 也可以换了你。
40、Love are treading on thin ice, but the pain ruyingsuixing. 爱情如履薄冰,痛苦却如影随形。
41、One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for. 有一天那个人走进了你的生命,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。
42、I do not have angry of qualification (我连生气的资格都没有 )
43、The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. 生活中最大的幸福, 是坚信有人爱着我们。
44、Time does not dye,Memories do not light. 时光不染,回忆不淡。
45、借鉴昨天,活在今天,憧憬明天。 Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow
46、Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad 知识就是说你知道西红柿是一种水果;智慧就好似不要把它放进水果沙拉里。
47、Hold my hand,you won't get lost even with eyes closed. 握住我的手,即使你闭上眼睛也不会迷路。
48、Some love, can only stop at the lips and teeth, mask in the years to come. 有些爱,只能止于唇齿,掩于岁月。
49、ButifthewhileIthinkonthee,dearfriend,alllossesarerestored,and-sorrowsend 只要我一想起你,亲爱的人,所有的失落和遗憾烟消云散。
50、I hav
51、Sometimes we’re forced in directions till we ought to find our sounds. 有时候,我们被迫走选择的路,直到有一天才发现应该去寻找自己的心声。
52、Those who are heartless, once cared too much. 那些绝情的人,都曾经在乎得太深。
53、"If I had not been born Napoleon, I would have liked to have been born Alexander.如果今天我不是拿破仑的话,我想成为亚历山大。"
54、behind the ornate .Not the vicissitudes of life. But dirty. 华丽的背后。不是沧桑。而是肮脏。
55、Tears like raia 【vs】 泪滴像倾盆大雨。
56、You are my only waiting for the people
57、Love, but not to t
59、从此山水不相逢,莫道彼此长和短。不想撞南墙了,想撞先生的胸膛愿为西南风 长逝入君怀,愿得常巧笑 携手同车归I
60、Habit is like a never healing stubbor. 习惯像永不愈合的固执伤疤。
61、Any unhappy is a waste of time. 【vs】 --任何不快乐的时光都是浪费。
62、Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today. 今日事,今日毕。
63、Time that I don't read him. 时光叫我别念他。
64、Gamble before the age of eighteen
65、Nobody could ever replace you.从来没有人可以取代
66、Disappear a memory. And leaving is unforgettable memories.消失的是记忆。而留下的才是刻骨铭
67、Delay is the deadliest form of denial
68、You can’t buy love. But you pay heavily for it. 爱,钱买不到它,却会狠狠的为它买单
69、I will always love, even if you are not. 【vs】 我会一直爱,就算你不在。
70、Did anyone tell you that your smile looks so charming . 有没有人告诉过你,你笑起来很美。
71、You can't change yesterday, but if you worry too much about tomorrow, it will ruin today. 你改变不了昨天,但如果你过于忧虑明天,将会毁了今天。
72、I only do a star in your world! 我只做你世界中的一颗星星
73、Is I brave is too long, decided that lives for you. 是我勇敢太久,决定为你一个人而活。
74、Of the world's most precious and are not eligible and lost. 【vs】 世界上最珍贵的,是得不到和已失去。
75、If brea
76、Cease to struggle and you cease to l
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