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微信个性签名英文励志 Distance

发布时间:2023-06-30 08:07:22源自:http://www.jsydzm.com作者:蘑菇网名阅读(256)

1、In fact, I always behind you, and sent you a back. 其实,我一直都在你身后,就差你一个回头。

2、Love you more than myself 爱你胜过爱自己


3、am strong,therefore I am. 我坚强,故我在。

4、A heart that loves is always young. 有爱的心永远年轻。

5、If I change the appearance, you forget the time . ( 如果我改变了模样,你忘记了时间 )

6、I may not love you anymore. (我可能不会再爱你了)

7、有人感激过你的善良么她们只会得寸进尺 Some people appreciate your kindness. They will

8、We are very good but not happened. 我们都很好 只是时间不凑巧。

9、My hand not forget the temperature of your hand. 我的手忘不掉你手的温度。

10、I in and so on future. Will have your future.我在等未来,有你的未来。

11、Sorrow is hard enough, let alone hide sadness 悲伤已经够难受了,更何况是隐藏悲伤。

12、I had hoped you'd see my face.【我一再曾希望你能看见我】

13、The past is all gone.Being happy is the top priority. 过去了就

14、Strong beautiful than sentimental [ 坚强比矫情漂亮。]

15、Accept what was and what is, and you’ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be. 接受过去和现在的模样,才会有能量去追寻自己的未来。

16、I wait for you to come。

17、You don't have much good, I like it. 你不用多好,我喜欢就好。

18、曾经那么疯狂如今这么迷惘 Once so crazy now so confused

19、But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, all losses are restored, and sorrows end.只要我一想起你,亲爱的人,所有的失落和遗憾烟消

20、Even if you bad i also love you . 即使你不好我也爱你。

21、Sometimes you realise too late that what you are looking for is exactly what you just let go. 有的时候,你醒悟得太晚,不明白自己苦苦追寻的,其实就是上一秒放弃的。

22、Happiness is the precipitation of time,smile is the lonely sorrow. 幸福是年华的沉淀,微笑是寂寞的悲伤。

23、You can't change yesterday, but if you worry too much about tomorrow, it will ruin today. 你改变不了昨天,但如果你过于忧虑明天,将会毁了今天。

24、Fairy tale has ended, forgetting is happiness.童话已经结束,遗忘就是幸福。

25、Don't rush and never settle. If it's meant to be, it will be. 无需匆忙,不要将就,缘分到了,就一定会在一起。

26、But then I have you free to have your way. 只是后来 我还了你自由 撤出了有你的路。

27、Or a person continue to lonely down,don't need anyone Li frets

28、Don't wait. The time will never be just right 不要再等待,现在就是行动的最佳时刻。

29、The mask is worn long became my skin *面具戴久了便成了我的皮肤*

30、Hard work never killed anybody But why take the risk? " "努力工作不会导致死亡!"不过我不会用自己去证明。

31、Happy Ending Would Be My 。美好的结局会是我的。

32、Even lonely all laugh at me cowardly. 连孤独都嘲笑我懦弱。

33、mancipate urself from ur past. The only way to move forward is to stop looking back! 把自己从过去解放出来,前进的唯一方法是别往后看。

34、Wind and rain accompany, choose corner and habitat风雨随行,择隅而栖

35、In the story of your life, don’t let anybody else hold the pen. 不要让他人执笔,来书写你的生命故事。

36、Never stop believing in yourself. 永远不要停止相信自己!

37、You said, love is too deep but don't let their destruction. 你说过,爱的太深却不要让自己沉沦

38、I want you nothing else,just you. 我对什么都无所谓,除了你。

39、Dare and the world always yields. If it beats you sometimes, dare it again and again and it will succumb. 你勇敢,世界就会让步。如果有时它战胜你,你要不断地勇敢再勇敢,它就会屈服。

40、Tears are words from the heart that can't be spoken. 眼泪是来自心底却说不出口的话。

41、Pain teaches us what to avoid. 疼痛教会我们该避开什么。

42、Know that I will live in my heart. 深知我者才久居我心。

43、No one will be your tears and tears! 没有人会因为你的落泪而落泪

44、Time profound rather than shallo. 时光深刻而非浅薄。

45、I yearn for life, less is more. 我所向往的生活,越简单越好。

46、Can you accompany me to be as eager as first met me. 你能不能陪着我像最初相识那般热衷于我。

47、Distance could make you forget about them, but the memories would always be there. ~~~ 距离会让你遗忘,但是回忆却会永驻。

48、I have also forgotten once world, whether a peaceful piece of string sound. (我也忘记了曾经的世界,是否安静的一片弦音。)

49、If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse. 若重要,总会想办法,不重要,总会找理由。

50、Go the wrong way to remember to love the wrong person to know how to let go. 走错了路 要记得回头 爱错了人 要懂得放手。

51、Hope的含义: Hold On, Pain Ends. 坚持住,痛苦终会过去。

52、I'vefallenforyou 我为你坠入情网。

53、Many things, it is to should be passes years precipitation will gradually becoming clearer. 许多事情,都是要经过岁月的沉淀才会逐渐清晰起来。

54、In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different. 要想让自己无可替代,你必须总是与众不同。

55、Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain 生活不是等待暴风雨过去,而是要学会在雨中跳舞。

56、I am just a prisoner of love 我只是做了爱情的奴隶

57、Feeling so faithless,lost under the surface. 苍白的伪装下,是信仰沦失的灵魂。

58、No matter how strong you are,someone will always be your fatal. 无论你有多坚强,总有人是你的致命伤。

59、Life sucks, but worth fighting for. 有时失去是让你更懂得珍惜。

60、Maybe I am not the best,but I try my best. 也许我不是最好的,但是我尽了最大的努力。

61、Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。

62、Life is a on return journey. 人生是一段没有退路的旅程。

63、Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm——所谓勇气,就是不断经历失败,但是从不丧失热情。

64、Raising the mouth, and keep smiling 扬起嘴角,继续微笑。

65、Memory will fade, but my heart will go on 记忆总会褪色,而我心依旧。

66、In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different. 想要不可替代,就必须与众不同。

67、Something for nothing。 (拿什么珍贵的东西换回了空白)

68、The most beautiful three characters are not I love you, but I still. 最美的三个字不是我爱你,而是我还在。

69、Don’t be easy to get, or you’ll be easy to forget. 不要轻易让人得到你,不然你会

70、When you are young, you may want several love experiences、But as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough、You need time to know, to forgive and to love、All this needs a very big mind

71、braggart 吹牛的人

72、Eyes not to tears 眼睛不是用来装眼泪的

73、✈︎ ​​​Just occasionally mention you no one knows I like you.只是偶尔会提起你,没人知道我喜欢你


74、I always guess, what is the future

75、Never hate your enemy.Because it will affect your judgem 永远不要恨你的敌人,因为这会影响你的判断力。

76、People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges. 人们感到孤独是因为他们给自己修了围墙,而不是桥。

77、Go back to the things I had to pretend to be never had. 回不来的东西我只好假装从来没拥有过

78、I learned to give up finally 我终于学会了放弃

79、Hid himself in the corner, thinking that one sentence everlasting (躲在角落里,想着那一句天荒地老)

80、I can go away when I cry. 放心吧 等我哭够了 就会走了。

81、There are no shortcuts to any place worth going--Beverly Sills. 任何值得去的地方,都没有捷径。

82、Betray me, I will let you have nothing .出卖我,我将让你一无所有

83、My heart belongs to you

84、Life is really simple, but we still couldn't keep it be very complicated. 生活其实一直都很简单,但是我们也一直都忍不住要把它变得很复杂。

85、if a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well、 如果事情值得做,就值得做好。

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