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发布时间:2023-05-28 05:56:47源自:http://www.jsydzm.com作者:蘑菇网名阅读(238)

1、Or a person continue to lonely down,don't need anyone Li frets

2、Several th bustling places, happiness keeled over drunk the dreamland. 几世红尘,幸福醉倒梦乡。

3、Toughdays don’t last. Tough people do. 苦难总会终结,坚强之人永存。

4、People did not love has no one loves you. -人不爱己没人爱你。

5、Happiness is not because you have more, but because you care less. 快乐不是因为拥有的多 而是因为计较的少。

6、深爱也已是今非昔比 ≈Say goodbye

7、Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud. 博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。

8、I may not love you anymore 我可能不会再爱你了。

9、The best way to predict future is to create it. 预测未来的最好方式就是去创造它。

10、So much spice, so much pain. 嘴巴那么毒,内心一定是有很多苦吧!

11、Be the best version of you. 做最好版本的你. Smile when it hurts most. 最痛苦的时候,请微笑。

12、Have you in a day, there must be my long companion. 有你在的一天,必有我长伴左右。

13、Don't put too many people into your life.After all, too much enthusiasm is never appreciated. 不必把太多人请进生命里 毕竟太过热情总不被珍惜。

14、Tough life needs no explanation. 彪悍的人生不需要解释。

15、I was a lazy feeling only you. 我是个懒人感情也只图个安稳。

16、胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。Victory won’t come to me unless I go to it

17、Don't look back to the person who is worth your back. 别往后看了 值得你回头的人不会走。

18、Not with me why you pretended to love me long. (不能伴我长久你何必假装深爱我。)

19、First love is unforgettable all one is life. 初恋是永生难忘的。

20、The truths will never bear, The promises of old. 真相不恒久,诺言已老朽。

21、Better things is coming. 更好的正在到来。

22、Like you see my feeling, like your smile. 喜欢你看我的感觉,喜欢你微笑的直接。

23、You are the reason why I became stronger. But still,you are my weakness. 因为你,我学会了坚强,而你,依旧是我的伤。

24、Don't forget me,I beg.【我祈求着千万别忘记我】

25、Never trouble  trouble till trouble troubles you. 麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦

26、Just like the sunflower proud alive . (像向日葵一样骄傲地活着。)

27、To you unexpected persistence. 对你出乎意料的执着。

28、I want someone who's afraid of losing me

29、i would never leave when you needs me most. 当你最需要我的时候,我就在你身边。

30、Far from eyes,far from heart. 眼不见,心不念。

31、Be in control. Know who you are. And don't try to be different just to be different. 学会控制,了解自己,而且,不要只是为了与众不同而改变自己。

32、The colour of a sad, sad haunted, sadness and mecompany. 泛着忧伤的色彩,悲伤萦绕,忧伤和我作伴。

33、初秋天气晴宜收集快乐。It's fine in early autumn to collect happiness

34、What time did you let me into your heart 你什么时候才能让我进入你的心。

35、Can not give you the best will help you want

36、Letting go doesn't mean that you're a quitter、 It doesn't mean that you lost、 It just means that you realize in that moment that's it's time to let go and move on。 放手不代表放弃,不代表你输了。那只代表你知道在那一刻你该放手了,然后继续生活。

37、I was trying to forget all the pain that you caused. 我在试着忘记你所带来的伤痛。

38、Time of gear has been turned, we have been repeating some damage. 时间的齿轮一直在转,我们一直在重复一些伤害。

39、The breeze blow blew, has blown off me long for you. 风吹呀吹,吹散了我对你的思念。

40、Never mind I ll find someone like you

41、如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。 There is no remedy for love but to love more

42、The moon does not hold you, time destroys you, but I love you. 月亮不抱你,时光摧毁你,可我爱你。

43、Avete mai pensato che la vicenda è proporzionale con sempre. 你曾以为海誓山盟是跟天荒地老成正比的。

44、Such as flocculent snow, high-stepping but not into Russia heart

45、Pack out really is worse than promiscuous. 装出来的真心比滥情更可怕。

46、learned to miss it. 我没有哭泣,只是突然学会了思念而已

47、Who gives us meet but not concurrently give us forever. 是谁赐我们遇见却不一并赠我们永远。

48、Spend only half open, dream also do only half. 花只开一半,梦也只做一半就好。

49、Love is a carefully designed lie (爱情是一个精心设计的谎言)

50、The world's most want to stay is still around you. 整个世界最想待的地方依然是你身旁。

51、new start,new you,not you. 新的开始,新的你,却不再是你。

52、Without those good memories, wouldn't it be so painful. 如果没有那些美好的回忆,是不是就不会那么痛苦了。

53、Hope is fire, disappointment is smoke, and life is smoke as it burns. 希望是火,失望是烟,生活就是一边点火,一边冒烟。

54、I don’t know where I am going, but I am on my way

55、You used to live in my heart,now my heart is empty. 你曾住在我心上,现在空了个地方。

56、I always forget to tell you that how lucky I am to encounter you. 一直忘了告诉你,我有多幸运,遇见的是你。

57、I can only love you one, because I have only got a full of love. 我只能爱你一次因为我只有一次完整的爱。

58、Nobody could ever replace you.从来没有人可以取代

59、The life of the traveler why can't forget. 生命的过客何必念念不忘。

60、You can't be my poem, just as I can't be your dream. 你不能做我的诗,正如我不能做你的梦。

61、I had hoped you'd see my face.【我一再曾希望你能看见我】

62、In my heart, accompany and understand, is more important than love. 在我心中,陪伴与懂得,比爱情更加重要。

63、A long life may not be good enough, but a good life is long enough.活得长并不见得活得好,活得好就是活得足够长。

64、Time will slowly precipitation, some people will be in your heart slowly misty. 时间会慢慢沉淀,有些人会在你心底慢慢模糊。

65、Love is not a person's life is sweet exchange solemn vows and pledges, the details, is to answer for a lifetime. 爱一个人不是海誓山盟的蜜语,是生活中的细节,是用一辈子来回答的。

66、Love you so crazy you dream 爱你如此,痴你如梦

67、Lies have short legs. 谎言站不长。

68、Everybody needs somebody sometimes. 每个人在某些时候都需要有人陪。

69、I just want someone to be afraid of losing me. 我只想要有个害怕失去我的人。上一页strong>/strong>

70、your name with my life.(你的名字伴我生老病死.)

71、I hope time will heal the wounds. 我希望时间能抚平伤痕

72、Save your heart for someone who cares. / 把心留给在乎你的人吧

73、I miss you but i miss you 我想你,但是我错过了你

74、Keep your face to the sunshine, and you cannot see a shadow 心若向阳,无谓悲伤。

75、Opens the full of trees, pear can never bears apple. 开满梨花的树上,永远不可能结出苹果。

76、Blame me for being too many jokes to tell the truth. 怪我把玩笑开得太多连真话也被你一笑带过。

77、Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间

78、You already took her hand is no longer my hero. 你已牵起她的手不再是我的英雄。

79、You don't have much good, I like it. 你不用多好,我喜欢就好。

80、Wait until the first date I will forget you. 等到老酒过期我就忘了你。

81、Without your betrayal, how will I have now decadent. 没有你的背叛,我又怎么会有现在的颓废。

82、This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it

83、Don’t let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life. 不要让糟糕的一天让你误以为有个糟糕的人生。

84、When your heart is getting exhausted to a certain extent,you are too weak to anger. 心累到一定的程度,连生气和计较的力气都没有了

85、Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. 生活就像骑单车,只有不断前进,才能保持平衡。


86、everybody wants to rule the world 每个人都想统治世界

87、As long As you love me. 只要你爱我。

88、Do what you say,say what you do

89、You know, I love you, there is no retreat.(你知道的,我爱你,别无退路 )

90、I can't stop the wind, I can't hold the whole sky. 我拦不住要走的风,也抱不住整片天空。

91、In fact,l just want to say l love you. People go, memories stay. 人来人去,留下的只有回忆。

92、Right here waiting to recall, just at that time already disconsolate write how much like of the pain. 此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然写出了多少暗恋的痛。

93、Three's green light in my eyes

94、Jump is also I love the heart

95、But love has far heart fretting, content is not, nor the people, everything can not recover the past. 心微动奈何情己远,物也非,人也非,事事非,往日不可追。


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