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伤感英文短句个性签名 The

发布时间:2023-07-14 01:09:44源自:http://www.jsydzm.com作者:蘑菇网名阅读(202)

1、Never trouble  trouble till trouble troubles you. 麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦

2、Don't be Not for the peopleHurt Don't hurt the heart. 别为不该为的人,伤了不该伤的心。

3、I'm always with a smile. (我永远期待你的回眸一笑)

4、I don’t know where I am going, but I am on my way

5、All is only you completely. 所有全部只是你。

6、Sometimes silence is not happy, just want to put the heart headroom 有时沉默,不是不快乐,只是想把心净空。

7、Every time you come to mind, I realize I’m smiling. 每次一想到你,我发现自己都不自觉的在微笑。

8、Amare qualcuno non è mai curato di tutti i suoi, fino a quando lui l'amore, sarebbe sufficiente

9、i want to have cperson afraid of losing me

10、All is only you completely 所有

11、I'm not jealous, I just have a feeling that you never gave me. 我不是嫉妒,我只是难过有种深情你从未给我。

12、learned to miss it. 我没有哭泣,只是突然学会了思念而已

13、A car broken dream left empty, secretly sentimental. 空留一厢残梦,暗自感伤。

14、We believe, our future.(我们相信、我们的未来。)

15、Go back to the things I had to pretend to be never had. 回不来的东西我只好假装从来没拥有过

16、Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell. (在回忆里继续梦幻不如在地狱里等待天堂。)

17、The good or ill of man lies within his own will. 人的善良或邪恶都存在于他。

18、You made my life ,Holly,but i‘m just one chapter in yours 你完整了我的人生,但我却只是你人生中的过客。

19、Heart sounds like a balloon was broken, and then left incomplete fragments. 心碎的声音就像是气球被扎破 , 然后留下残缺的碎片。

20、Any comfort does not have its own right through more effective. 任何安慰都没有自己看透来得有效。

21、Love remained short,but the memory lasts long

22、Time will give you what you want, and believe, you are worth waiting. 时间会给你想要的,并且请相信,你是值得等待的。

23、Stepping forward can't finish the distance while going backwards can't get rid of the memory. 前进走不完距离,后退走不出回忆。

24、Parted as

25、Bad days will pass 坏事情总会过去

26、Everybody live for themselves, we may be the no complaints 每个人都为自己而活,我们也许该毫无怨言。

27、Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have. 幸福不会眷顾那些不珍惜拥有的人。


29、Down to the end of the heart will not fool around. 失望到了尽头心便不会再瞎闹。

30、First i need your hand ,then forever can begin

31、The best love in two of us. 最好的爱情在我们之间。

32、Let's make a pact, we don't break up. 我们做个约定吧 累了也不分手。

33、Blame me for being too many jokes to tell the truth. 怪我把玩笑开得太多连真话也被你一笑带过。

34、I will learn to give you because I love you

35、I want to thank every change, every heart break and every scar. 我要感谢每一次改变每一次心碎每一块伤疤。

36、百口莫辩的时候才懂得人心可畏…When you can't argue, you know how scary people are …

37、begone 走开,消失! 滚蛋!

38、The life, is together at this moment intact. 生活在这个时刻里,一起都是完好无缺的。

39、In the time you are ready to give up, please give yourself a slap. 在你准备要放弃的时候请给自己一巴掌。

40、Braver are those who have hurt cuz they know nothing would be more painful than ever. 一些受过伤的人会更加勇敢,因为他们知道,最痛不过如此。

41、Time heals almost everything.Give time time.时间几乎能治愈一切,请给时间一点时间。

42、Can anyone see through my pretense of being strong and protect me ?~~~ 可不可以有一个人,可

43、I am just a friend,and she is your everthin

44、I want to cry, but my pride told me not to 我想哭泣,可是我的骄傲告诉我不可以。

45、The world makes way f

46、Island is a marine

47、Don’t look for love. Love will find you. 不用刻意去找寻爱,爱会自然找到你。

48、He didn't know how much he loved her until he lost her

49、Don’t and I said I’m sorry, I don’t want to and you it doesn’t 不要和我说对不起,我不希望我们没关系

50、Good children always happy!善良的孩子要永远快乐!

51、Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people. 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。

52、The life I have a splash of biack 生活溅了我一身黑狗血

53、I am a slow walker , but I never walk backwards

54、I put up with all the last hand, I can not tolerate anything. 我容忍了所有最后反倒什么都容不下我。

55、Don't lie. Don't hesitate. Someone always likes you at your worst. 别撒谎,别彷徨,总有人喜欢你最糟的样

56、You will not be the same as I think you want me. 你会不会像我想你一样的想我。

57、The world is big, big but a heart; go far, far away but a dream. 世界再大,大不过一颗心;走得再远,远不过一场梦。


58、Be broke and the love will never get lost

59、i love you just the way you are. 我会按照你的方式爱你。

60、I'm just a struggle for the future and distant ordinary people 我只是一个为未来和远方奋斗的平凡人。

61、Having a calm smile to face with being disdained indicates kind of confidence. 被轻蔑的时候能平静的一笑,这是一种自信。

62、I hate lonely but have

63、brute 残忍的人,畜牲

64、When that thing was turned upside down when. We crashed 当一直坚信的东西被颠覆时。我们就瞬间崩溃了

65、失落时悄悄伸出手和风击个掌When you are lost, quietly reach out and slap the wind

66、You don't go to anyone else, and I looked so sad. 你别再走向别人了 我看着好难过。

67、You are the reason why I became stronger.But still,you are my weakness. -----因为你,我懂得了成长,可你,依旧是我的伤。

68、The colour of a sad, sad haunted, sadness and me company. 泛着忧伤的色彩,悲伤萦绕,忧伤和我作伴。

69、You don't laugh tears away. 【vs】 你别笑了眼泪都掉了

70、If we are meant to meet again, then we will meet again. 如果我们注定要再次见面,那我们就会再见。

71、Unless it is otherwise you all love is sad. 除非是两情相悦否则所有喜欢都是心酸。

72、It's kind of fun to do the impossible. 去做不行能的事是一种乐趣

73、Save your heart for someone who cares. 把你的心交给在乎它的人。

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